Special Shows
The Sesc Dance Biennial keeps with the mission of fostering contemporary dance through a program including investigations by artists from different regions of Brazil and abroad. This edition pays special tribute to Ismael Ivo and Lia Rodrigues Companhia de Danças, through the exhibition of new works and creations. It also presents the film collection Ó, meu corpo! (Oh, my body!) curated by Amaranta César, Danças para todas as telas (Dances for all screens) exhibition, a selection of video dances produced by young artists from the contemporary scene, and also Coreografias de Cabeceira (Bedside Choreographies), a series of short videos produced especially for Instagram, which presents a selection of dance publications to discover and share.
(Homage) Lia Rodrigues | Notebooks of Creation
30 anos da Lia Rodrigues Companhia de Danças (Brasil/RJ)
[movies] Oh, my body! A collection of embedded films
Curated by Amaranta Cesar
[showcase] Bedside Choreographies
Videos that invite you to discover books talking about dance in its various spheres.
[showcase] Ismael Ivo Tribute
Audiovisual showcase evokes the choreographer and dancer (Brazil/SP)
[video dance exhibit] Dances for all Screens
Curatorship by Isis Gasparini, Rodrigo Gontijo, and Vanessa Hassegawa